How To Control Mosquitos in Your Garden?
Mosquitoes begin their breeding season when a heat wave occurs. Scientists believe that when global temperatures rise, mosquitoes' survival and ability to transmit diseases would be harmed.
Check your gutters, gardens, bird baths, and planters for standing water. If at all possible, leave it empty. Planter trays, for example, should be discarded since they accumulate water. Check your gutters since if they aren't clean, mosquito breeding grounds can be found there as well.
Remove all open water sources in your garden for Mosquito control. You'll be able to get rid of any surfaces where female mosquitoes lay their eggs this way.
Use Mosquito Dunks to get rid of standing water that you can't get rid of. These items can be found at your local natural gardening store.
Clean the gutters, flip over any items that may contain water, and change the water in dog bowls on a daily basis. Mosquito larvae can be killed in water fixtures like fountains with larvicides like mosquito dunks.
In troublesome regions, scatter dry granulated garlic. Some of the worst locations are surrounding garbage cans and the perpetually wet tall grass borders. In beds, lawns, pots, and plants, broadcast 2 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.
Mosquitoes are more active during the cooler hours of the day, when they are feeding. But what do they do when it's hot outside? The solution is straightforward: they conceal.
Garlic spray or garlic-pepper tea can be used to repel adult mosquitos. Garlic sprays can help in Mosquito control for up to 14 days. To create garlic-pepper tea, follow the directions below. Garlic spray is available at your local gardening store.
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