
Showing posts from July, 2022

Fertilizing Shrub During Fall Is the Best

Although it is advised to fertilize your trees and shrubs twice a year in the spring and fall, fall is typically the ideal time of year to do so. When autumn arrives, plants stop supplying minerals and water to the leaves, fall shrub fertilization works really well. They will instead employ these nutrients to develop larger roots and store more food for the winter. This stage of the growth cycle is accompanied with leaf drop and color change. Through appropriately integrated pest management techniques, such as ongoing scouting, it is important to identify any plant material that exhibits deficiencies. Foliage color, short shoot growth, or an overall appearance of stunted growth are warning signs to look out for. By fertilizing in the fall, you enable the trees and shrubs to stockpile food as necessary for the growth of the next year. Given that above-ground development has ceased, some people refer to this as dormant feeding. However, these plants are not at all dormant underground. U...